Am Sonntag werden wir nach langen Verhandlungen in ein Boot mit kolumbianischen Touristen geschoben und sausen los, um heute mal wirklich einen Strand nach unseren Vorstellungen zu finden. Auf dem Boot wird es schnell familiär und mit uns ausländischen Touristen spricht man besonders gern. Schon nach kurzer Zeit scheint es, als würden sich alle auf dem Boot schon seit langem kennen, das knuffige Baby wird einfach mal dem Nachbarn ausgeliehen, eine Flasche Rum wird weitergereicht und ein verlorengegangener Passagier wird unter grossem Gelächter

aus dem Wasser gefischt. Unser erster Halt ist vor einer Insel mit einem kleinen Dorf, wo die Touristen vom Boot aus Geldstücke ins Wasser werfen, das schwimmende Kinder blitzschnell mit den Zähnen aus dem Wasser fischen. Einen treffenden Kommentar zu diesem eigenartigen Schauspiel macht der grinsende Typ neben uns: “Como los Pirhanas!”. Kaum funkelt eine Münze in der Luft, stürzen sich sechs Köpfe gleichzeitig ins Wasser. Angekommen bei unserem ersten Ziel, den Islas del Rosario, watscheln wir mit unseren Schnorchelsachen ins 30 Grad warme Wasser und verfolgen bunte Fische. Aufgrund der Korallenbleiche ist ein grosser Teil des Unterwasserlebens ziemlich grau, was naiv gesagt, ziemlich blöd für die bunten Fische ist. Dann fahren wir an einen echten Bilderbuchstrand, mit kristallklarem Wasser, Palmen und weissen Sandstrand. Es gibt in Kolumbien also doch die kitschigen Karibikstrände! Allerdings verbringen wir die meiste Zeit beim gemeinsamen Mittagessen mit unserem freundlichen Bootsnachbaren, die sich wirklich darüber freuen, dass wir in ihrem Land reisen. Wirklich grosse Augen machen sie aber erst, als sie sehen, wie die komischen Europäer plötzlich zwei grosse gelbe Platanos (Kochbananen) auspacken und friedlich daran knabbern. Sowas hat man hier noch nicht gesehen. Die kocht man doch oder brät sie in der Pfanne! Aber egal, uns gefällts.

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How to convert DAT to MP3? Do you ever be confused by this question? This guide will teach you how to convert DAT to MP3 with the DAT to MP3 converter. This DAT to MP3 converter can help you convert DAT to MP3 with fast speed and perfect quality. And it also can convert RM, RMVB, WMV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, QT to MP3, WAV, AVI, WMA, OGG. Free download is available.
Introduction of the DAT to MP3 converter
The DAT to MP3 converter can convert DAT to MP3 with fast speed and perfect quality.
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Key Features:
Edit MP3 ID3 v1/v2 tag info. Multiple OGG compressor Vorbis, FLAC, Speex, Theora. Sample Rate(48K,44.1K,32K,22K,16K,8K), Stereo/Mono and Bit Rate(8kb/sec - 320kb/sec), customize the size of target audio file. Convert to Windows Media Audio by System Profiles. Convert by multiple compressor for converting WAV, AVI format. Convert by selected part, you can split the media to parts. DAT to MP3 converter- Convert DAT to MP3. It can converts from audio and extract audio from video to WAV, MP3, MPEG Audio,AVI audio only files. Convert from AIFF, AU, MP3, MPA, RealAudio RA/RAM, SND,WAV and WMA. Extract audio from ASF, AVI, VCD DAT, QuickTime MOV, MP4 (MPEG-4), MPG (MPEG-1 and MPEG-2), RealMedia RM, DVD VOB and WMV.
The extract format conversion supported:
Supports RM, RMVB, RAM formats(Real Media). Supports AVI(DivX, XviD, MPEG4...) formats. Supports MPEG I/II, VCD SVCD(.dat), DVD(.vob) formats. Supports WMV, ASF formats. Supports MOV, QT formats(Quick Time). Supports AIFF, AU, MPA, SND formats(Quick Time). Supports WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG, etc audio formats. All supported formats to MP3. All supported formats to WAV. All supported formats to AVI. All supported formats to WMA. All supported formats to OGG. WAV/AVI with Microsoft ADPCM,Windows Media Audio,WM Speech Encoder,WMAudio Encoder. WAV/AVI with PCM, CCITT A-Law, CCITT u-Law, DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM), GSM6.10, IMA ADPCM, Lernout Hauspie CELP. Very fast and without any quality loss. Very friendly user-interface.
Step-by-step Guide: How to convert DAT to MP3 with the DAT to MP3 converter?
Step 1: Free download the DAT to MP3 converter and run it.
Step 2: Launch the DAT to MP3 converter and the interface is as follows:
Step 3: Click Add to load DAT file(s) to be converted to MP3:
Step 4: Select MP3 as output file type(MP3 is default):
Step 5: Start to convert DAT to MP3:
OK. You will convert DAT to MP3 with the DAT to MP3 converter fast.
What a powerful DAT to MP3 converter. Just free download it to convert DAT to MP3 and convert RM, RMVB, WMV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, QT to MP3, WAV, AVI, WMA, OGG.
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Why traditional men's style is timeless
The basic man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous varieties for various situations, but they are all common in their pursuit of a clever, sharp look for the person. The neat thing about classic fashion for men is that it's efficiently stylish effectively cool. A well-groomed man will more often than not appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such apparel. A match will be utilized to work in many jobs because of the professional look it affords to the person, instilling a feeling of respect and trust. Equally a suit will be worn to many social functions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible flexibility which allows suits to be used in nearly all situations is what gives it its amazing advantage and a lasting devote men's fashion.
Contemporary developments in traditional men's fashion
Although common men's designs will never be replaced, it's interesting to remember that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought particular common garments back in fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specifically, has taken back a wide-variety of common designs into men's closets, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to reference men who dress in a classic yet elegant way, placing importance on appearance and working in a polished method. This development for nearly'over-the-top'common fashion for men is evident from events like the'Tweed Run', where men and girls of all ages dress yourself in obviously Victorian-style outfit and decide to try the streets on vintage bikes - with most of the men wearing flawless mustaches! That is only one of several types of data showing the resurgence of such styles. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on line which concentrate on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, whilst specific facets of classic men's style could be brought back as new movements, the essential garments which they are derived from will never fall out of fashion.
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